Video broadcasting is an area in which we have a lot of experience. We have done a lot of research into this medium and have years of experience in service based and proprietary self hosted broadcasts and one thing we pride ourselves on is the quality of our work.

In the past few weeks and before we have arranged broadcasts for special events by many organizations, and the issue we face is that many Masajid have poor networks which cannot support a video broadcast. For this reason to assure that poor quality broadcasts are not associated with the Salam brand we will refrain from setting up live video broadcasts for events unless organizers can guarantee before hand that a strong wired or wireless connection will be available.

We have been doing successful broadcasts for Bayyinah & Qalam at their respective weekly Tafseer and Seerah classes. To see an example of our broadcasting work please visit and watch Tuesday nights after Isha. You will be satisfied inshaAllah and we apologize for any trouble viewers have had with our broadcasts in the past.

Also if there are any Islamic organizations out there that need consultation on how to setup a good network we do provide consultation services, the issue is centers can sometimes be 3,000-5,000 square feet in size and have multiple buildings or floors yet only have a standard business DSL with one main router. We hope this encourages Islamic centers to reevaluate their networks and viewers to keep watching.